
Hello you!!! I believe you had a wonderful time lately!!!
I was sent away to daily activities as mom and other role along the Christmas and New Year hours.
Well, weren't much to do actually, but enough for dragging me down and abandoned my blog. And I found really no viewer since then :(
But now I'm back :)
Let say all these pictures as a really recently ones. Because I took it about two days ago, and it was nothing but excitement and fun. If you recognize this place as you seen before on my past post, well you're right. It was just I took these on noon time, and former was in the morning. Really we got paralyzed by the view and air again, the wind wouldn't stop and the seed of the setting sun was poured warmly to all of surfaces' creatures. What a day!

Red bow tie and a vintage white shirt. Once again I will say that those stuff are (chic and) cheap! The shirt is a second hand shirt and the bow was cost twice lunch. What made it so precious for me is I might not seen a typical shirt again on other time or other shop. So I felt lucky to have it. Simple thing can definitely make us happier :)

For me, it was all breathtaking.

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